How To Know If Your Niche Is Profitable

A coaching niche is not something you eeny, meeny, miny, mo your way into. You have to be deliberate about choosing yours so that you’d have fulfilled the first step of setting up your coaching career for success. There are many niches and sub-niches in the coaching industry. However, not all of them are as […]
How To Attract Premium Coaching Clients

Premium coaching clients are those clients who appreciate the value you offer in your coaching program and are willing to pay you top dollar for it. It’s practically every coach’s dream to have premium clients but you have to be able to attract them first. Read on to learn some of my tried-and-true tips for […]
How to Create a Converting Sales Funnel for Coaches

You probably already heard about sales funnels and how they can boost your sales. If you have, it’s true. A well-made sales funnel also increases brand awareness as well. Before we go on, let’s define a sales funnel. What is a sales funnel? It’s the series of steps that it takes for the leads generated […]
5 Common Market Research Mistakes That Coaches Make

Your market research is an important step in the development of your coaching programs, courses and products. A transformational coaching framework, impactful courses and the creation of winning products are just some of the advantages of market research. So, it’s important that you pay attention to how your market research is conducted. To help you […]
5 Limiting Beliefs That Are Keeping You Unprofitable As A Coach

A lot of newbie – and wannabe – coaches have held themselves back from unleashing their potentials and launching out because they’re afraid about one thing or the other. These fears are the results of distorted truths, and sometimes outright lies, that they’ve come to believe. These lies serve no purpose but to limit their […]
Popular Niches In The Coaching Industry

The coaching industry is a very large one with lots of niches and sub-niches. Many newbie coaches often find themselves going through lots of coaching questions and answers on the internet in search of how to start. If you’re one of those coaches, this post is just for you. Grab a notepad and keep reading […]
A Personal Brand Is More Than Just A Fancy Website

Oftentimes, when the subject of brand building comes up, the first things on people’s minds are catchy brand names, colour schemes, pictures of nice logos, brilliantly-written bios and a fancy website. However, there’s more to a profitable and authentic personal branding than all that fancy stuff. Definition of Personal Branding Any guide to personal branding that […]
Guardian Woman Feature

A lot of women have no idea that it’s possible to work from home, on their phones, laptops and make money. Yeah! What a way to start a new month! I’m deeply honoured to be featured on the Guardian Woman where I talked about the necessity for women to make success a […]
Awesome Money Lessons Everyone Should Know

It really felt good to be back again for yet another feature on Rave TV, the last time I was there was October 2016. I was honoured to share my thoughts on tips needed when pursuing a big dream for your life on my Thots program on Rave TV for 2 weeks consecutively. […]
Top 3 Business Growth Tips for Budding Entrepreneurs
A few days ago, I was live on Today On STV, hosted by the delectable Shade, where I talked on one of my favourite topics as a business coach – Starting A Business In Nigeria. I shared 3 core business growth tips for budding entrepreneurs, to help grow their businesses. And as you […]