How It Works

Watch The Video Below Carefully Please


Create Your Account

Get started by clicking the “Create An Account” button at the bottom of this page. Fill in all of the required details. Note that the Username must be one word. In the section “How you will promote us”, type in Facebook, Email list, or any other way you wish to promote our course and click the Register button.

You will get “your account is pending approval” message and mail in your inbox. Give a little time, your account will be approved by one of our admins. Once your account is approved, you will get a mail and then you can proceed to Step 2.


Login and Get Your Affiliate Link

Once your account is approved, you will get an email from Temi Ajibewa Academy. Proceed to login to your Affiliate Area by clicking the link in the approval email you got.

Once you are in the dashboard, click on the Affiliate Area in the menu bar. Then click on the Products link to see the various products you can promote.


Shorten Your Affiliate URL

On clicking the Products Links tab as instructed in Step 2, you will be taken to the products page. Copy the URL for the product you want to promote, and you can begin to promote the link or paste it on or to shorten it. Shortening the URL hides the fact that it is an affiliate URL.


Promote Your Shortened Affiliate Link

The last step is to promote your affiliate link and get earn a commission once someone buys or registers through your links. Payments are disburse monthly or on an agreed schedule.


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Am I paying to be an Affiliate?

No, you are not paying anything to be an affiliate.

But we recommend that you sign up for the courses yourself because we believe everyone has a lot to learn from these courses and it is only fair that you partake of what you are asking others to partake of, right?

How will you know when someone buys through me?

From our end, we have a very accurate and trusted system that captures the link through which someone arrives on our website. At the back end, you will be able to track how many clicks you got and how many ended up in sales.

At your own end, we suggest you let people know you are an affiliate and you can also give them an incentive to encourage them to buy through you.

I'm ready to become an Affiliate, what do I do?

Fabulous! Kindly click on the button below to register to join us and your application will be reviewed within 24 hours. If you are approved, you will receive login details you can access your affiliate member area with. Watch the short tutorial at the top of this page so you can understand how to navigate things well as you make money with us on a DAY-TO-DAY BASIS!

What if I need my money paid before the end of the month?

Oh that is understandable. Simply make your request and your commission will be calculated and paid to you within 48 hours. We only request for month end so all transactions will be properly completed from our bank and accounted for.

Yes, I will like to Get Started!

More Questions? Please Call +2390178194121 or email

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