Hey There!
My name Temi Ajibewa but my friends call me 'The Electric Temi'.
I help savvy and passionate women to discover and maximise their potentials so that they can create wealth and impact doing what they love as coaches, speakers or trainers.
I help savvy and passionate women to discover and maximise their potentials so that they can create wealth and impact doing what they love as coaches, speakers or trainers.
“Wow! I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors.I gained so much confidence in my ability to connect and deepen my relationships with people. It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections”
“Wow! I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors.I gained so much confidence in my ability to connect and deepen my relationships with people. It’s amazing how much easier it has been to meet new people and create instant connections”
“Wow! I have the exact same personality, the only thing that has changed is my mindset and a few behaviors. I gained so much confidence in my ability