Audience and Reach


1-Issue Sponsorship

checkmark icon in aqua colorxxx+ Subscribers

checkmark icon in aqua colorxxx+ Avg. Views

checkmark icon in aqua colorxxx Avg. Clicks


xxx+ and growing xxx subscribers per month.


Entrepreneurs, Solopreneurs, Creators, & Freelancers.

Job Titles

Founder, CEO, and Business Owner.

Average Open Rate


Average Sponsorship Views


Avg. Annual Visitors to the Web Issue


Average Sponsorship Clicks


What you get as a sponsor:

When you purchase a sponsorship, you get one advertisement in our Saturday newsletter.

Your ad will be 1 of a maximum of 2 ads in that issue.

The newsletter is published at 2:30 pm WAT everyday.

You can expect xxx – xxx visitors to your website or offer, depending on relevancy.

Your sponsorship will also remain live forever on each newsletter as they are published on my website and visited xxx+ times per year as I promote them on social media.

Ad Creative Requirements:

I’ve now tested over xxx advertisements and can confidently say that short, intriguing ads with lead magnets perform the best. The longer the ad, the worse. The more unclear the CTA, the worse.

With that in mind, here are the creative requirements:


Ads are text only and can be 140 characters long. Each sponsorship will also have a call-to-action (CTA). The CTA text has a max limit of 20 characters.


Example Copy: John Bush has one of the best course on how to manage your business finances. Get his course going for a giveaway price at $35. 

Example CTA text: Click here!


You will supply the copy and I will edit it to fit my voice.


Ad copy is due one week prior to the newsletter date.


All ads are subject to editorial approval.

Currently booked out x months (Expect another xxk+ subscribers by then).

Please Note: There are no cancellations or reschedules due to timing, availability, and holding the date. I also reserve the right to decline any sponsors that aren’t a good fit for The Saturday Solopreneur (a full refund would be issued in that case.) I also reserve the right to edit the copy to fit the above guidelines.

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